"SO ETHIC !", the biodegradable and eco-responsible pot

SEDE has joined forces with the start-up Bioplasmar, a company manufacturing and marketing biodegradable objects for individuals, local authorities and for the agricultural field to create "SO ETHIC! ".


Le pot PoEthic


The "SO ETHIC !" pot stands out from other existing solutions on the market because of its biodegradability control process, which allows it to remain stable in nurseries and to degrade once planted in the ground, and because of the origin of its components from local resources.


It offers a real alternative to the use of plastic, reduces the handling of plants during the planting phase and ensures better recovery of the plants planted.


SO ETHIC ! has an industrial-scale production site at Bonneuil-Matours near Châtellerault.


This is a perfect example of a circular economy where no fossil resources are used. The Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) are supporting the project.