An adaptable and tailor-made offer for the supply, analysis, expertise, assistance and operation of your digestion facilities.
SEDE operates a territorial digestion site at Graincourt les Havrincourt, built by Veolia : Artois Méthanisation.
SEDE has been involved from the design stage and is responsible for the operation of the entire channel. The supply of organic waste from :
- Agriculture (agricultural biomass)
- Industries (biological sludge - flotation greases, manufacturing deviations, meat waste, catering greases)
- Communities (lawn mowing, waste from collective canteens, waste from sewage treatment plants)
- Mass distribution (including non-marketable packaged products to be unpacked)
- Operational control of the site and the 1 MW cogeneration engine
- Regulatory management
- Recovery of digestates (centrifugation, evapo-concentration, composting, spreading)
Our offer for the operation of digestion plants
SEDE, a subsidiary of Veolia, has an adaptable and tailor-made offer around digestion.
A commercial and logistical service
Supply from external deposits :
- Site audit and definition of needs
- Search for suitable external deposits
- Implementation of adequate transport solutions
- Supply chain management : Planning, logistics, regulatory compliance, invoicing, commercial maintenance of contracts and competitive intelligence.
Innovations to serve your digestion facility :
SEDE develops fast and reliable measuring tools. This allows us to offer complementary assistance in monitoring biological performance particularly adapted to digesters.
Based on measurement tools based on near infrared spectroscopy technology, SEDE will be able to provide an instantaneous response on the parameters of interest in digestion, associated with the biological performance of a process (dry matter and organic matter content, volatile fatty acid, ammonium and alkalinity concentrations).
A complete analysis service for your digestion facilities
Input Tracking :
- Perform regulatory analyses in accordance with the requirements of the prefectoral decree and the health agreement
- Perform characterisation analyses
- Perform BMP and flash BMP tests
Expertise in interpretation :
- Based on a sample or analysis, assess the relevance and value of waste and the commercial strategy to be considered.
Monitoring the agricultural and territorial digestive process :
- Perform characterisation analyses of your digestion installations
Monitoring the UASB digester process :
- Perform characterisation analyses
- Check the state of the anaerobic methanogenic biomass present in the reactors
- Site audit
Follow-up of outputs :
- Site prefectoral decree and Sanitary Accreditation (environmental and sanitary analyses)
- Digestates
- Wastewater treatment plant discharge
- Compost
Soil monitoring :
Site prefectoral decree and spreading plan, analysis of reference points and agronomic value
Administrative and regulatory
Drafting of regulatory documents :
- ICPE files
- Activity report for DREAL: Environmental report, annual report, GEREP declaration
- Initial spreading plan: Establishment of the spreading perimeter, Preliminary study, Impact study
- Provisional spreading plan and agronomic appraisal: spreading perimeter, plot mapping, establishment and formatting of spreading records, quantitative and qualitative appraisal, spreading campaign appraisal
Quality, Safety and Environment Audits :
- Preparing audits and acting as an intermediary with the administration or the AFAQ
- Carry out targeted audits to verify safety, compliance with the prefectoral decree, environmental protection and document management
Carrying out regulatory controls in accordance with the Prefectorial Order and the Labour Code
I/O register keeping and archiving of BSD /DAC /PESEES :
- Advice on documentary obligations: Prefectorial Order /Health and Safety Aspects
Administrative and regulatory
Drafting of regulatory documents :
- ICPE files
- Activity report for DREAL: Environmental report, annual report, GEREP declaration
- Initial spreading plan: Establishment of the spreading perimeter, Preliminary study, Impact study
- Provisional spreading plan and agronomic appraisal: spreading perimeter, plot mapping, establishment and formatting of spreading records, quantitative and qualitative appraisal, spreading campaign appraisal
Operational support
Follow-up of the methanisation process of your installations :
- Input/output material balance - Energy balance - Consumables balance
- Operating advice on incorporations and operation of the installation
- Remote supervision of the installation
- On-site intervention on demand
Operation of digestion plants :
- Digestate processing and post-treatment
Inerting, digester dewatering, sludge dewatering and sediment removal via our Liquid Treatment Unit (LTU).
- Monthly maintenance monitoring (CMMS)
- Operation of the spreading sector and agronomic monitoring
- Supply of seed and logistics support
- Training of personnel in the biological operation of methanisation installations
- Installation of biofilters and washing towers, treatment of odours by neutralisers via our KLEARIOS entity.